Helping the younger generation
regain hope and optimism in our country.
A book for teenagers, published in 2023, which started it all!
Written for young adults and teenagers, LTM explains the truth in a way that kids can rely on to have less frustration and worry about this crazy world we live in.
Official Non-Profit 501c3
Est. October 31st, 2023
Getting Along Academy Inc.
I began writing a book in July of 2021…
It started as a birthday card for my son but ended up as a book for young people to end hate and violence forever.
The backdrop of course is today’s America; In the last few years I’ve been speaking to many youngsters, and I’ve been saddened by what they say about our country and their levels of security and “happiness”.
I am saddened and a little scared, in fact, about our inability to get along with one another, and our kids are too. We haven’t had a president in our kid’s lifetimes who has come even close to uniting us. It seems like people have thrown in the towel, or that we are setting our goals way too low.
It doesn’t need to be this way.
We need to ensure our president always has as their top priority a mandate for people to treat others with common courtesy, decency, and dignity regardless of race, or income. And to celebrate our many wonderful differences. Our culture has eroded to something that we should all be embarrassed about.
This isn’t a religious site. And there will be no judgment of any individual here. However, if you do believe in a GOD which I do - I think that he or she or it would be appalled by our behavior. I know most Americans agree. I believe more than 90 percent of us share enough beliefs in common to be a part of the solution.
In my book, I try to summarize the wisdom provided by authors and people who are more educated and smarter than me. I have found that most of the best advice, universal truths, are not written for kids; our best “stuff” is not getting into the schools early enough. Naturally, parenting needs to be strong, so we have a lot of systematic work to do there. I hope this site can coalesce us.
Humans are like flowers or potted plants. We need proper soil, water, and sunshine to grow and flourish.
Most people know this but for reasons we will come to know (via my book) we fail to provide enough of what we need, leaving many of us in a state of suboptimal mental health, and without the ability to be a part of the solution. Rather we have too many people who become a part of the problem. But it is not their fault. We can work together to get these people back - through education and training.
In my book, I try to summarize the wisdom of adults and package them for a younger audience. I believe, if we get enough people to believe in the power and miracle of education, that we can and will end hate and violence forever. What needs to be prioritized is the creation of a moral code - if only in the context of communication behaviors befitting an American citizen. We will always have disagreements about how we are governed, that will not change, but how we disagree must change. Debate can and must be civil rather than disrespectful, rude, vindictive, or demeaning.
Summaries that will inspire change in the word.