Letters to Mikey


Letters to Mikey begins with the author, Glenn Cort, trying to write a simple birthday letter to his son, Mikey, who is turning 18 and heading off to college. However, he feels overwhelmed by the tension and negativity in the world—everything from political disagreements to the effects of technology on how we connect. Instead of writing a short note, Glenn ends up pouring his thoughts into an entire book aimed at helping teenagers and young adults cope with these challenges.

A key idea in Glenn’s writing is that human beings share certain traits, like the ability to empathize and the desire to be part of a caring community. He calls this our basic “human nature.” By understanding it, he believes we can strengthen our good qualities—like being kind and cooperative—and limit the negative ones, such as anger or the tendency to judge others quickly. He encourages readers to see how practicing empathy and moral values leads not only to individual happiness but also to healthier communities.

Another major theme in the book is moderation—choosing a balanced path instead of running to extreme positions. Glenn argues that many of today’s problems come from people becoming too certain they are right and shutting out those who disagree. He uses images of “birdbrains” and a “lifeboat” to show that we all have to come together in the middle so we do not sink into endless arguments or hate.

Throughout the text, Glenn offers historical and philosophical examples, talking about thinkers like Socrates and Ben Franklin. He points out that, for centuries, many great minds have agreed on the importance of virtues such as honesty, respect, and open-mindedness. While the world can feel chaotic—full of technology, social media, and constant news—Glenn believes the next generation can rise above these challenges by rediscovering core truths. Through patience, understanding, and shared goals, teens and young adults can help create a more unified society. Ultimately, Letters to Mikey is a call for today’s youth to embrace empathy, kindness, and responsibility, showing how these values can restore hope and bring people together.

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All proceeds will go to the nonprofit, Getting Along Academy.

Whose mission is to help kids retain their higher gifts to maintain the temperament to do the complex work of government.


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