The Curriculum
What if we could provide a pedagogical framework for school leaders and teachers to help instruct our kids on how to get along in our large and diverse society?
What if this curriculum could speak common sense to chaos without being preachy, judging political or religious?
What if it could ground us in only three essential elements which scientifically exist in our nature?
What if it would finally cause herd immunity against the negativity, misunderstanding, and intolerance that has long plagued the human race?
The Curriculum
Would we finally listen?
I have long held a theory about life and people. It goes like this: at any given moment in America, 90% of people have the desire and abilities to help us achieve our societal goals. This means that only about 10% of us currently lack these abilities. This 10 % of society is typically much older than you are, which presents us with an amazing opportunity.