The Curriculum
Chapter 7 - We Stopped Reading
Ingredient Seven - We Stopped Reading
We underestimate the literacy of our citizenry at our own great peril. When we do not read, and we only get our news from the internet, or social media, we are only left to question the goodness of mankind.
In the many decades leading up to our Constitution being written, the Enlightenment Period (1715 -1789) The idea that democracy would fail without an educated citizenry was widely understood.. Today, we are no longer a society of learners. We do not consider life long learning as a cultural value. Due to our not reading and de-valuing learning, our ordinariness & extremism is dominating our society! We have grown to distrust the schools that educate our children.
Read LTM Chapter 11, Deadly Myths, Page 151 Top - end 156 Top - about an educated citizenry being required of our unique form of government.
The more we place value in learning and seeking wisdom the more peace and happiness we will have, both individually and collectively. The more we de- value learning the more misunderstanding, lack of trust, hate and war we will have. It is a one to one relationship. There is no avoiding the consequences of a society that does not make learning their top cultural and social priority. If we do not value education we will forever be fighting, because we will lack the capacity to know or do anything differently.
In any culture, since the beginning of time, which has not valued the general education of its citizenry we see regression to primitive behaviors. The savage few rule over the many. Poor leaders downplay the importance of learning and education, this keeps us stuck to the society that we’ve had. Circular, underperforming. When we do not read we cannot possibly fathom how smart people are, and how good we can be! Reading the words of other people is the only way to appreciate the remarkable thinking ability of our fellow man. In the modern era, we are not reading the brilliant things that people write.
Class read LTM, Page 63 Middle paragraph. Read these words as examples:
Websters Dictionary defines a Catch -22 as “A problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by circumstances inherent in the problem…” . Once we think we are right, we don't need to learn anything - especially from someone who looks or thinks differently than we do. We discount the opinions of our deepest thinkers, who are most educated about such things. This keeps us locked into the very strange and peculiar society we live in.
How do we possibly improve things if we all do not value being educated? When we are unwilling or unable to read, or learn, when we stop placing our trust in the process of learning; isn’t that the beginning of the end of any trust in our society?
to regain trust in the goodness of people; get back to reading. It will take time.
The non learning brain is not something to take lightly. When our brain is not developing and learning, we are regressing. Recent studies of the human brain, particularly in the area of CTE indicate that when we do not protect our brains bad things happen to us, and we take it out on other people.
Discussion quotes:
“We must learn together as brothers or perish together as fools” Martin Luther King
“even under the freest of government systems, ignorant people will always be enslaved” person here.
“[The Founders remarkable unanimity in fundamental beliefs lies] in the fact that they were all remarkably well read … [They] reflect a far broader knowledge of religious, political, historical, economic, and philosophical studies than would be found in any cross-section of American leaders today.” (5000 Year Leap p32)
Thomas Jefferson: “No other sure foundation can be devised for the preservation of freedom and happiness- a crusade against ignorance; establish and improve the law for educating the common people … the people alone can protect us against evils [of misgovernment].” (5000 Year Leap, p31)