The Curriculum
Chapter 4 - The Few Tear Down The Many
Ingredient Four - The Few Tear Down The Many
As few as 10 percent of the adult population can convince the rest of the population to disbelieve the fantastic truths. This is the phenomenon that we ask you to consider deeply in this module. Please consider the following statements of absolute fact:
It only requires a few detached souls to define what society thinks of itself.
The few peddle the harmful lies and propaganda which is consumed by the many, and separates us.
Once a human mind closes, it’s almost impossible to open.
Someone who believes in a conspiracy theory today is very unlikely to stop believing tomorrow.
Closed minded people operate with just as much passion to fulfill a purpose, no matter how negative or destructive.
Those who detach from humility, from moderation and who get stuck in their “ordinary” (excessively consumed with their own rights and privileges, rather than attending to the framework) often overestimate their own importance and are the loudest in the room. They talk the most, when they should be listening. They often think they know more than they actually do.
We all know what lost souls and wayward adults look like, but it has proven very difficult to stop their voices from defining our society. Our lost souls have an oversized influence on society. They often have nothing to lose.
Quotations to discuss:
“Hurt People, Hurt People” Anonymous
“It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow man … who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from such individuals that all human failures spring.” Alfred Adler
Read LTM pages __ here. **** Case Study Handout for Homework (see LTM pages …. part about Bob, we all become Bob)
We often unknowingly and casually contribute to the negative attitudes about government and other people, given it's what everyone else seems to be doing. The truth is made up of our perceptions of the attitudes, boundaries, norms, values and behaviors of those around us.
For example a song comes on the radio. Telling our President to Go F#@! himself and the rest of us to suck testicles.. And what could be funnier to half of us than that? (very little i hope) but remember we are human! such things entertain us! So this is what happens to us. We all take these time outs to cross the line, our entertainers and comedians, they hide behind the first amendment and call it their artform, not realizing they would sell just as many tickets if they didn't cross the line. Just because they can say these things (under our first amendment) does not mean that they should. But they do. And that is how the few tear down the many. The few, show us how low we can go - and we chase our freedoms right down into the toilet bowl. Collectively these all too common emotional outbursts, and temporary time outs, even jokes - where clearly people know they are crossing the line, these moments which are direct from the “brain stem” without any deep thinking they are all adding up to define the society that we are living in - A society defined by our worst traits, rather than our best. Our succumbing to our robotic , unremarkable, mode; is that state that is most destructive because it is most subtle. Hardest to see the damage being done, by our acting “ordinary” rather than remarkable. And we never stop to think about it. That's just a part of being human. We get swept away into the negativity funnel without even realizing it. We stop placing being a good citizen ahead of everything else in our development - we forget about the common good and we all go to a dark place together.